Busot Family Fundraiser
George Busot is a 56 year old American Gulf War veteran who received a lung transplant on February 1, 2023. George, his wife, Stacy, and their two children, Ian and Malayna, reside in Luling. Their home was severely damaged in Hurricane Ida leaving them displaced and it was during this time George received the news he would need a lung transplant. They were in the process of completing home repairs when they received the call for his transplant. Since then George remains in the hospital fighting to recover with Stacy by his side. Stacy is a teacher with Jefferson Parish Schools. George is a disabled veteran who proudly served during the Gulf War as a Boatswain’s Mate in the US Coast Guard. Following his career with the USCG, he served as a police officer with the Department of Defense and Force Protection at the US Army Corp of Engineers. Prior to his transplant,, George was self-employed providing Project Manager services specializing in quality assurance, and safety.
Dat Dads’ Club will be serving to-go plates at 13145 Hwy 90 in Boutte, the site of the River Parish Community College, United Way Campus. Plates will be served on Friday, March 31, 2023 from 4pm until 7pm. Please click on the link above to “Pre-purchase” your plate. 100% of the event will be provided to the Busot family.
Pre-purchasing of your plate will help us gauge the amount of food needed and prevents waste. Please include your name in the notes section when pre-ordering. You do not need a PayPal account to pre-order. Please consider making your purchase in advance to help support this wonderful family.