3rd Annual Dat Dads’ Club Golf Tournament

Our annual golf tournament is scheduled for September 10, 2021. This is an outdoor event with lots of space. We encourage people to enjoy the outdoors and do what you have to do to keep yourself safe. This gives us the opportunity to continue helping families in need and allows us to keep socially distant.

There are many ways to participate.  You can sign up a team of 4 golfers and come out and swing the sticks.  Our Vice President Chris Dalon is working hard to set up hole sponsors around the course.  If you did not attend one of our first two events, ask someone who did.  We have even had some comment that they would prefer not to play, and just ride hole to hole drinking and eating.  It is that good.  Sign up on our Google Form sheet and we will send a payment request.  You can pay not, or at the event.

You can also participate by becoming an event sponsor.  We are offering hole sponsorships at $100 each, a 3 hole sponsorship for $200.  You will be invited to the event and we will place sponsor signs at various course hole.  We will also offer a corporate sponsorship for $1,000.  The corporate sponsorship includes 5 hole signs and free entry for a golf team (4 players).  



For sponsorship opportunities, contact Chris 504.628.5267 or Claude 504.235.9784.  Please email your business logo for the sign to claudeadams@gmail.com.  We also accept in kind donations for golf diddy bags and prize giveaways. For In kind donations totaling $100 and up we will display your business name on a hole.  We thank our generous community for their support.

Our beneficiary is Glenn Singleton a lifelong resident of Ama. On July 24, 2020, Glenn was diagnosed with Gastric Stomach Cancer. By August 2020, Glenn was starting his chemotherapy routine and eventually had to have a total stomach removal. Glenn has endured three surgeries, some with complications. Stress and daily side effects have been burdensome to the Singleton family. Glenn’s wife of 48 years, Angelina continues to work full time.
Glenn has lost valuable time with his grandkids, the simple joy of eating foods he once loved and the financial stress and burdens that comes with cancer.
Glenn is a member of the St. Marks Perpetual Adoration Chapel (where he has volunteered for 13 years) in Ama, has always been active in the community, coaching in local booster clubs and even served on the Dat Dads’ Club Committee to select prior beneficiaries.
Glenn received his last chemotherapy treatment in April 2021 and is currently in remission. Glenn still struggles with body image issues due to his weight loss and loss of enjoyment of normal life. He still has monthly doctor’s appointments and regular Catscans to remain cancer free.
I want to be a MEMBER of Dat Dads’ Club.  I am sending my $25 via Paypal.  I have included my address, send me one of those cool Dat Dads’ Club decals for my car window.
I can’t commit my time right now, but I’d like to send you a few bucks to be put to good use by Dat Dads’ Club fundraising activities.  I understand my donations are tax deductible.
Dat Dads’ Club of Luling is a 501(c)(3) public charity and a licensed Louisiana non-profit. All donations are tax deductible subject to IRS rules. Determination Letter